Welcome to mavahi.com, the official alumni website of Martinsville High School, Martinsville, Virginia.
Here you will find photos of your Classmates, Alumni News, and Message Boards for each graduating year. Hundreds of MHS alumni visit this site each day, posting and reading messages, and re-living moments from days gone by.
mavahi.com is a great place to keep in touch. Please visit often !
The Sunday Session |
In the mid-1960's, Rick Shultz (MHS 1959) had his own radio show on WHEE Sunday
afternoons called The Sunday Session. The program was quite popular, with thousands of
listeners, mostly teenagers, to the show every Sunday afternoon. Rick has shared YouTube recordings of 2 shows from 1965.
Learn More
About Alumni News:
The Alumni News section is reserved for official announcements of class reunion dates or other important events that appeal to broad groups of alumni. Other news can be found in the Alumni Message Board areas.
If you have news that you feel should be included in the overall Alumni News section, please email the full text of your news article to the webmaster.