Martinsville High School Alumni
Re: Condolences to Danny and Bobby Cole |
My brother Jimmy and I (Big Yank and Little Yank) used to spend every summer in Martinsville with our grandmother who lived on Dillard Street and later, Ellsworth Street. Every summer we would play ball and have such a good time with Danny, Bobby and Binky. I clearly remember all those fun times at the Cotton Mill Hill Recreation, Liberty Heights Pool; and oftentimes, we would go by and enjoy some very good iced tea or lemonade that Mrs. Cole would make us. She and Mr. Cole were always nice to us. My brother and I wish the best for Danny and Bobby as they go through the next few weeks. May God Bless the Cole family. Tommy (San Antonio, Texas) and Jimmy (Staten Island, NY). |
Nelson E Smith
Re: Condolences to Danny and Bobby Cole |
Tommy, I remember those days well whenever you and Jimmy came in for the summer-great ballplayers for sure. You probably remember my older brother, Melvin. |
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