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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1962 Message List
Ditto, on the Great Class Reunion - 9
09/13/07     Bruce Lupton  (1962)      Clydelupton@yahoo.com
I can certainly say "ditto" to the other messages that have graced our '62 message board, of what a great reunion we had. Joe, Liz, Carlton, Billy T, Pat, Nancy and the others worked very hard on this one. Although I'm shown as a committee member, I did very little and hope I can do more for the 50th, as David has also indicated. I do wish we would all communicate more, and I know I have several classmates emailing me on an almost daily basis, and several of them weren't able to make it to the reunion and have started conversing. This is what I'm talking about. I truely hope we can gather up some family photos for another display board for the next reunion. Audrey, Jerold and another have sent me some family photos to enjoy. Thanks to them for sharing.

I want to especially thank Dr. David Sparks for his high level of emotion and enthusiasm for this class. If you call him, his number is on his posting, not only will you be blessed with a true friend on the other end, he will pray with you upon departing the airwaves, at your approval. Truely a great asset to our class and one I call a friend. If there was ever a spouse who loved and cared for their loved one as much as David does his wife, I don't know who it could be. What a story this is...

I was most pleased to see Buddy Layman at our reunion this year. He has been MIA, as they say for sometime, but the sluths Joe and Liz hunted him down. Buddy and his loveley wife, Mary, were highlights of the reunion on my list. He and I were good friends in elementary school and sort of drifted our separate ways as we entered high school. He looked great, don't you think, classmates....

Audrey was so bright and cheerful and full of life and looked absolutely stunning.
Carole Lovell made it Saturday night along with Faye Lawless Witt and I enjoyed speaking to these friends as well as all of you that attended. Thanks gals, for being there with us.

I don't think Bill Ford has aged a day since our last reunion. I mean he looked the same, didn't he folks. Good seeing him and Sheri there. Thanks for making that long trip from Ontario down to good old Henry County....

Anyone that attended knows the hard work that Billy T. put into the final preparations for this event. The tent, tables, chairs, etc. and their installation not counting the work leading up to this event. I think we need to check Billy's drivers license. He doesn't look as old as we seem to be in real life. Fran must be really taking care of him. I do believe he still had some red hair on top.

Thanks to Ralph Shank, Coach Hall and Sam Lawrence for their efforts in attending Friday's BBQ picnic. It was great to see them. I do hope they will make our 2012th reunion.

A lot, but not enough, has been said about the work Liz and Joe put into this, as well as Margaret and Nancy and the others. But this has been a labor of love for those two soulmates that you could see the pride in their eyes and hear it in their voices at the reunion. Great job - well done.

Okay, okay, enough said, time to quit. For those who didn't make the trip, we missed you and do hope you can make it for the next, and last, reunion. We really do want to see you and share these precious moments with you. God Bless you all and please keep the Mavahi Class of 1962 in your thoughts and prayers.
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