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Old Dawgs Reunion on Cleveland Oct. 15, 2011 - 54
10/16/11     Esther Sparks Powell  (1956)      bhpowell36@yahoo.com

I posted this earlier on my class of '56 message board. It has been suggested that I also put it here on the General board.

Thanks to Kathy Mitchell Rice, Merle Duffy and all the other Old Dawg committee members
for making this year's reunion another successful and enjoyable one.

Here I go with my list of the attendees. Merle shared hers with me, so it will be even more complete than those I have posted in the past. As with all my previous postings about this event, this one is also subject to correction, so feel free to have at it, and with my blessing.

Class of 1943 had one member present, John Redd Smith, Jr. He was looking mighty fit
and I had an enjoyable conversation with him rehashing memories of our days at Sale Knitting Company (and of course, we were both on different ends of the totem pole there).

Class of 1945 was well repesented by Christine Martin Bennett. Still as cheerful as ever and looking mighty sharp in her green outfit.

Class of 1950 had Dewey Rakes. John Richardson showed up for Class of 1952. I didn't get a chance to speak to either of these gentlemen,but we were glad you made it.

Class of 1953 had Jo Ann Zimmerman Frost. Jo Ann has worked with the Old Dawgs
committeee in the past and I was glad to see her looking so well and enjoyed talking to her.

Merle Brigman Duffy and Merlow Donavant Luttrell (and husband, Bob) were there from
Class of 1954. Merle led the group in remembering all our classmates who have passed away in the last year. Merlow, along with several other previous cheerleaders led us all in rousing renditions of our Alma Mater and Loyalty Song, written by Miss Ruth Pace.

Kay Self Meeks came for Class of 1955. Good to see you, Kay. We missed Bill and Barbara Wade, but knew they would have been there if Bill hadn't had some recent health issues.

Class of 1956 did ourselves proud at the Old Dawgs this year. (Of course, the fact that we were having our 55th later that evening did help to increase our number of attendees.)
Here goes, so hold on to your hat. Beverley Altschull Soble and husband Jerry, Jim Brigman and his girl (that other Esther), Fred Donavant, Jane Geoghegan Hastings and George, Anne(Letitia) Hurd Eastridge and brother Burgess, Ron Hilbert and Rachel Hodges Hilbert, John D. Martin (sorry you couldn't be with us Susan), Shelby Martin Eanes, Ann Minter Been and Paul, Stella Shupe Meadors, Lois Stanley Flippen, Glenn Rhodes and Jeanne, Harry Stultz and Evelyn, and yours truly, Esther Sparks Powell.

Class of 1957 had Ken Major and Rita, and Lonnie Rakes

Class of 1958 had Irving Painter, who, although alone, made a great representative for his class.

Class of 1959 had a pretty good showing, too. There were Barbara Cotty Kirk,
Gloria Hawkins Weaver, Jeanne Flora Hinchee, Philip Merriman and Shirley, Bill Mitchell and Anna Sparks. These are always loyal Old Dawgs for their class and it was great to see all of them, again this year.

Jack Mitchell was the lone member attending for Class of 1960.

Class of 1961 had Doris Durand Richardson, and Julia Oakley Gravely.

Ed Campbell, Mary Ann Smith James, David Sparks and my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Christine, were there for Class of 1962.

Class of 1963 had Wayne Owens and my favorite hugger.... handsome Lonnie Carter, also Melvin Smith, (another good hugger even if Melvin does always tell me he likes my sister, Anna, better).

Class of 1964 had a good turnout with Jimmie Brammer and Jo, Tom Hall, Betty Jo Campbell Wall, Ann Carter Brown Gardner, Dink Gardner, Jane Self Altizer and Darrel.

Class of 1965 can be proud of their attendance, too. They had Linda Brown Koger, Rusty Lacy, Nancy Mitchell popped by for a few moments, Kathy Mitchell Rice (we
certainly couldn't have done without our Kathy), Jimmy Tuggle, and Philip Sparks (he paid a nice tribute to, then led us in a moment of silence for, our beloved shop teacher, Mr. Chester Lane, who passed away recently).

I'm not sure about Class of 1966. Somehow I got these names, but without check marks
beside of them. Maybe Stanley Palmer, Beverly Burks Hundley-Sebald, Juanita Whitlow Choate, and Trippi Penn were there. If so, I'm sure that you had a good time. If not, you don't know what you missed and should think about coming next year.

Debbie Wade Price was there for Class of 1968.

1969 had a good showing with Carol Cochran Beavers, Robert Oakley and Peggy, Anne Hill Rush,Denny Wade, Jackie McGuire Byrd and Ken, and sweet, smiling little Wanda Smith.

The last class represented was for 1971 and by Kenneth Smith.

Desmond Kendrick had his table display of wonderful memorabilia set up. It is always a pleasure to see him and to see what he has to jolt our memories.

Kathy says we will have another Old Dawgs next year and it also will be in October. Please think about coming so you can help refresh our memories and yours, too, of the "Good Old Days" at Mavahi on Cleveland.

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