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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1957 Message List
The Class Reunion was terrific!!! - 4
10/29/02     Barbara Guthrie Cobb  (1957)      bcobb@charter.net
If you missed it, don't miss the next one!

It was wonderful --- flowers, senior class photos, copies of The Barker, door prizes, food, conversation, a few of our teachers (how does Miss Pace stay so beautiful?). Especially touching was the lighting of candles --- one for each person in our class that has passed on.

Kudos to everyone on the planning committee for their time and hard work!

This website was announced, so maybe more of us will be posting messages and getting in touch with each other.

I thought I was going to see a bunch of old folks --- but no way! The "boys" were still cute and the "girls" were as pretty as ever. How did G.W., our comedian extrodinaire, get such a beautiful wife? Wayne Morely is very distinguished looking, Ann Kerfortt is elegant enough to be on the cover of Town and Country, Charles Foley still rates 2nd and 3rd looks, Doyle Wyatt is the most mischieveous minister I ever saw. . . . .it was the best time ever!

I spent Sunday driving around town, (don't think I missed a single square inch) and was pleased to see that it has held up well, in spite of the economy. The beautiful old buildings have been kept up, and in some cases have even been improved on. The newer buildings are a good addition, and blend in well with the old.

I missed Wampler's Drug Store (where we shot straw covers at the ceiling), Jack Finney's gas station (remember how good looking Ray and Sylvia were?), Central Grammar, and Floyds, but was surprised the old drive-in next to the skating rink was still there. I can't remember the name from back then, but now it's a Mexican restaurant.

I'm still trying to get in touch with Will Gravely to buy some of the old postcards he had for sale --- Liberty Heights, many of the churches and schools, etc. They are treasures to keep forever.

Don't miss the next one!!!

Get in touch with me --- I'd love to hear from more of you!

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