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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1985 Message List
Happy New Year. - 30
12/29/05     Mark Frazier  (1985)      frazier1966@hotmail.com
To Matthew and all:

You are not the only one to miss the reunion. I had planned to go, but my business trip to Japan got re-scheduled for that same weekend. I really wished I could have been there.

Fortunately, however, Mark Gilbert tracked me down too, and was able to give me an update. A lot of thanks goes to Mark. I was able to visit him over the holidays. We were able to cover a lot of the last 20 years in just 3 hours. There is still so much to share, though. I have promised him that I will not let another 20 years go by without keeping in touch.

I really hope to make it to the 25th year reunion. I will make sure that no business trips get in the way.

Until then, if anyone wants to contact me. I live in Woodbridge, Virginia (near D.C.). I work at Quantico (U.S. Marine Corps). My wife, Barbara, and I have 3 kids (Joseph 9, Zackary 5, and Lydia 2). Yes, we stay very busy. I go to work just to get a break.

My phone number is 703-491-7969.
My e-mail address is frazier1966@hotmail.com
If you want to send an instant message, my AIM address is: MarkFF2004

If you want to see how much I have aged, I can send you pictures of me, and if you want to see why I have aged, I can send you pictures of the children. As I have told others, children give you a very good incentive to stay in shape (especially when your 8 year old asks you to take him snowboarding. A 38 year-old falls a lot harder than a 8 year old).

Everyone take care and have a wonderful New year.

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