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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1956 Message List
"Old Dawgs" Reunion on Saturday - 3
10/15/07     Esther Sparks Powell  (1956)      bhpowell36@yahoo.com
Well, since it looks like no one else is going to boast about the great get-together on Saturday, I guess I will do it.....and be proud to at that.

President, Kathy Mitchell Rice did a superb job as MC. Officers and committee members, Sue Stultz Love, Yvonne Martin Turner, Jo Ann Zimmerman Frost, Marilyn Walker Turner, Melvin Smith, Jan Pratt, Merle Brigman Duffy, and Lucy Tyson Lemons, were all present and as usual being their normal friendly and helpful selves.

Titus Sparks again catered the food and I was given a lot of nice compliments to pass along to him.

There was a good turnout and since I've had several people tell me that they enjoy seeing the names of those who attend each year, I'll try to write as many as I can recall. Please feel free to add any that I have left off.

Here goes.

Teacher, Mrs. Finney. John Redd Smith, Christine Bennett (and looking mighty fine, I might add), teacher, Mr. Lawrence, Roslyn Lawrence Roberson, Merlow Donavant Luttrell (and still just as cute as she was in high school). Carlton Hodges, Bill and Barbara Wade, Jimmy and Esther Brigman, Glen Rhodes and wife, Freddie Donavant, Virginia "Puddin" Wallace, Esther Sparks Powell. A.J.Dillon, Bill Haneline, Nancy Lawrence Draper and daughter, Kim. Ruth Finney Wade, Roger Love, Jerry Nance, Irvin Painter, Mollie Tyson Williams, Barbara Cotty Kirk, Jeanne Flora Hinchee, Gloria Hawkins Weaver, Nina Long Hall, Dorothy Martin Coleman, Norman Meeks and Yolanda Donnely, Philip Merriman and wife, Bill Mitchell, Anna Sparks, Jean Sparks, Irma Hall, Betty and Mike Fulcher, Pat Stanley, David Sparks, Bruce Lupton, Rebecca Wade Scearce. Lonnie Carter, Dave Reynolds and wife. Philip Sparks, and Wanda Smith.

Sorry, I know that there were many more than this, but I can't think of who they were right now.

Anyway, I had a really great time and the pizza party later that night was fun, too.

If you haven't attended one of these, you don't know what a good time you are missing. Start thinking about showing up next year. The welcome mat is always out for anyone who was ever an "Old Dawg," even for just a little while.

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