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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1956 Message List
Wonderful 3rd Old Dawgs Reunion - 3
10/19/04     Esther Sparks Powell  (1956)      powellrs@kimbanet.com

WOW! The third "Old Dawgs" thing was really great Saturday.
My sister, Anna Sparks, and I enjoyed seeing everyone. After
enjoying the good company and delicious buffet catered by
Old Dawg, Titus Sparks , we went home, donned our jeans and newly
purchased Mavahi T-shirts and returned along with about 50 others
for the "Sock Hop" later in the evening.

The committee had decorated the cafeteria in maroon and gray balloons
and found maroon and gray M & M's for each table...yep, you read that
right....maroon and gray M & M's!

Melvin Smith did an excellent job as D.J. with music from the 50's.
Someone had found life-size cardboard figures of Marilyn Monroe
in a swimsuit (for the guys) and Elvis, just being himself, which was
enough (for us ladies).

Domino Pizza generously donated hot pizzas, again this year. I
got to try one that is fairly new, called Philly Cheese and Steak
(or something like that). It was really scrumptous.

Let's see how many folks I can name this time. It was wonderful
to find Ann Minter Been here from Colorado. Billy and Barbara Wade
came from Tennessee. Ralph and Jean Pruitt made it again
from Pennsylvania. Jimmy and Esther Brigman up from Georgia (I think).
Benny Eanes up from Charlotte and Carolyn Deal from
Hickory, N.C., Charles Foley over from Roanoke. Sarah Dillon and
her brother from (Richmond, maybe?). Harrison and Ruby Stoots
from Chatham. Mollie Tyson from Madison, N.C. Kathy Mitchell Foster
down from Maine, her brother, Bill Mitchell from up north somewhere,
too, and Glenn Rhodes from around Winston-Salem, I believe.

Quite a few locals. I can't recall some of the married names, so just
bear with me. Yvonne Turner, Marilyn Turner, Merle Brigman Duffy,
Lucy Tyson Lemons, Sue and Roger Love, Jan Pratt, Dorothy Martin,
Joanne Frost, Irving Painter, Jerry Nance, Jim Montrief, Jerry Perdue
and wife, Martha Snapp. I think I saw all three of The Smith Brothers,
Melvin, Kenneth and Nelson. I know for sure that I saw Pat Stanley,
Jean Flora Hinchee, Gloria Hawkins, Ray and Janetta Fields, A.J.,
Judy and Tawny Dillon. W.L. Potter and Helen Cobler Coursey, Mary
Frances Potter Gibbs. Norman Meeks and Yolanda Donley, Tommy
Swain. Lonnie Carter, Nina Long Hall, Hester "Puddin" Flannagan,
Jean West, Chauncey Drewry,
Joanne Zimmerman. Hazel Laprade Glenn and Nancy Lawrence Draper,
I don't believe I missed hugging anyone, but I know I have probably
forgotten a name or two in this listing, but you can fix that by adding
your own note to this message board.

Everyone was encouraged to write their name and class year on one
of the balloons and release it as they headed to the parking lot. Anna
and I fixed several extras in hopes that at least one of them might find
its way to Bill Wade's yard in Tennessee. We're sure he will know
who sent them when he reads " Jones Creek, No.# 1 Forever". (That's
with No. # 1 being tops on a scale of 1 to 10.) SO THERE, Mr. Bill, you
old No. #3 Southsider! (laugh)

It was really wonderful to see everyone and I hope to see all of you again

next year.

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