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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1956 Message List
Tenth Annual Old Dawgs Reunion - 3
10/10/10     Esther Sparks Powell  (1956)      bhpowell36@yahoo.com
All I can say is, "WOW! and double WOW! WOW!! What a great job Kathy Mitchell Rice and her gang did again this year. The "Old Dawgs" luncheon Saturday noon had a wonderful turnout. Titus Sparks' Debbie's Catering from Stoneville once again served a delicious hot meal.

Let's see how many folks I can remember spotting and chatting with this time. (As always, please feel free to make your own post and add any of those names that I know that I have missed.)

I am quite sure that I saw John Redd Smith, Jr. from class of '43 and Christine Martin Bennett from class of '45, and JoAnn Zimmerman Frost, class of '53. Class of '54 had a nice turnout with Harrison Stoots, Yvonne Martin Turner, Merle Brigman Duffy, Merlow Donavant Luttrell, and Curtis Bennett. Kay Self Meeks seemed to be the only "Old Dawg" from class of '55. (Noticeably absent were Bill and Barbara Wade, who usually drive in from Tennessee.)

Class of '56 was fairly well represented with Glenn L. Rhodes, Fred Donavant, Barbara J. Smith, Jim Brigman (and his Esther) as well as yours truly.

Irvin Painter, Shirley Frazier Stone, Charlotte Hudson Hopkins, and Mollie Tyson Williams are some of those that I recall seeing from class of 58.

Class of '59 also had a good showing. I'm sure that I saw Jeanne Flora Hinchee, Anna Sparks ('cause I brung her myself), Bill Mitchell, Barbara Cotty Kirk, Gloria Hawkins Weaver, Philip Merriman and sweet Sue Stultz Love.

I know that Jack Mitchell and Roscoe Reynolds from '60 were there, but can't vouch for anymore from that class. However, I had a very nice conversation(during the first few minutes of my arrival), with the wife of an "Old Dawg," from class of '60, who now lives somewhere north of Denver. Could have been either Floyd Craig's, or Bill Ellis' since they both are from Colorado.

I believe the only "Old Dawg" from '61 that I spotted was Jim Amburn. Mary Ann Smith James, Ed "Speedy" Campbell, Billy Hensley, and David Sparks (don't ask me why I remembered him) showed up from '62. Lonnie Carter, Melvin Smith and Dave Reynolds were there for '63.

Class of '65 was also having its 45th this weekend so they were certainly well represented. Sorry, but most of them were always just young whipper-snappers to me and I never knew their names. Of course, I do recall Kathy Mitchell Rice because of all her hard work, then there is Philip Sparks (3 guesses as to why on him), and fellow Jones Creeker, Jimmy Tuggle (waded through too many of the same mud puddles not to remember ole Jim.)

For class of '66, John Coulson and wife came all the way down from New Jersey. That's about the extent of my recollection on names of those at the "Old Dawgs" this year.

Desmond Kendrick had a table set up with a wonderful collection of photos and historical memorabilia from the school. I understand from several folks, which I ran into later before the "Still Surfing" concert, that he opened his uptown store and allowed anyone interested to browse through his many other historical items relating to the Martinsville and Henry County area. Desmond also took a group photo of all the "Old Dawgs" who were present. It is his intention to have it published in the Martinsville Bulletin, so keep an eye out for it. (I'll be about halfway back and no doubt easily recognized as the gal wearing the biggest smile.)

Thank you, Class of 1965, for coming up with the idea of the "Still Surfin' Band's Tribute to the Beach Boys" concert and then letting us celebrate the "Old Dawgs" tenth by allowing us to join in with you.

Those of us who returned later in the evening for that concert were treated to a perfectly wonderful two hours of "Beach" music and other songs from that era.

These guys were from northern Virginia and positively amazing. They really had that "Beach Boys" sound down to a T. Their enthusiasm and energy were absolutely contagious from the get-go. After the first few songs, there weren't very many hands not clapping, nor feet not tapping. Quite a few "Old Dawgs," who were feeling a bit spryer than I, sometimes became unable to contain themselves, and actually sprang out of their seats "surfing" on down front to dance to several of the bouncier tunes. Anyone interested in learning more about this band can go to www.stillsurfin.com .

If you've still never been to one of these "Old Dawg" reunions, you don't know what you are missing. Why not start thinking now about attending next year? I just know that you won't be disappointed.

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