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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1984 Message List
Greetings to class of 84 - 29
07/14/05     Chris Potter  (1984)      potters5@netzero.net
Hey guys,
First chance I've had to see the Mavahi site. I've spent a couple hours of working hours (shhhh) getting caught up as much as possible with everybody. My heart goes out to those in our class that have been touched by a loss of a loved one...I've read about a couple classmates that have died but I really dont know too much. -- John Harber's note was from the heart. --- and written very well..thanks John. I've thought of John from time to time..If I remember correctly he lost his dad just before we graduated. Ok nuff sad stuff.
If anybody's interested here's an update on me.
I'm now living in SC --- near Clemson....no I didn't attend, nor am I a fan --- Go CAV's
I attended a small private college right down the street. I've been married for 19 years...all to the same woman. Belive it or not there was ONE out there willing to put up with me and I found her. I met her in college. She was born and raised in South Africa, her parents were career missionarys. We have 3 great kids, Rachel, is the oldest 14, Gavin....look for him in the majors in about 10 years...he'll be catching for the Braves...write it down...LOL and my youngest is Jared who'll be 9 in Sept. Basically I've had two jobs since college. I was a Probation and Parole agent for the State of SC for almost 6 years and I worked for BMW Manfucturing as a production supervisor for nearly 9. Unfortunately that job went away in Jan. 04 I've been selling cars while searching for something in automotive manufacturing. We have a new Automotive Technology Center coming to Greenville called ICAR which, once built, should provide me some opportunity. I have been unable to make it to any of the reunions....sorry I really wanted to come to the last one. I've kept in touch with a few folks....Andy Petty, Steve Raines, Billy Fields.....I worked 12hours at night and drove to Tulsa OK to attend Billy's wedding and immediately drove home after the wedding and worked another 12 hour shift....boy was that fun! I'd love to hear from anybody willing to bring me up to speed on their life. I only hear bits and pieces. I checked out some of stormin Norman's pics of the reunion...you'd think winning the damn science fair every freeking year his pictures would load faster...JK scott. By the way Scott, did I see your black and white 67 Camero still at your parents house a few months ago.....wanna sell it? I hear my accounting class partner Emily Beal turned into a hottie --- ha ha Randy, ya shoulda kept that one. A few months ago I went into the High School and Mrs. Morrison was standing in the office, she remembered my name, the year I graduated and both my younger brothers names....and she looked exactly the same --- is she a robot? I even heard that Mrs. Powell is still alive and kicking -- doesn't that make her the oldest living person on the planet? I could of sworn she was told us about coming over on the Mayflower. Well, nuff for now, I'll not bore you further. Somebody please tell me who's no longer with us, who's serving still in the military, who's in prison, or who's making news. Thanks
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