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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1970 Message List
Julie Has New TV & Soon a LapTop - 17
10/01/09     Peka  (1970)      Pekaat4PAWS@aol.com
Here is the message I received from a classmate who wishes to remain anonymous:

Hi Peka,
Just got back from Martinsville. Julie now has a 19 inch flat screen LCD TV(restrictions on size) and wireless head phones and 5 or 6 new novels. We then went out and got some diet coke, peanut butter cups, and misc items, chap stick, lotion and some other stuff. It was my intention of doing this without being known but Julie was in the lobby on our return trip. She really has not changed much since High School. I guess we talked for about 2 hours. Very nice visit.
I am in the process of getting her a laptop. It would be nice to get some help with the monthly Comcast charges. Let me know if you can round up any help, it would be greatly appreciated.

This is what her mother just emailed to me:

Peka, Julie thinks you have gone above and beyond and I am inclined to agree. What you and your fellow classmates did for Julie is a wonderful gesture and has taken our breath away. But not our voices as I say 'thank you so much for doing this for her.' It has brought a joy to her heart. Just to know that people care has made her very happy. Please be sure that all involved know that I appreciate it and I'm sure Julie will let you know that too. God bless you all.

Jean Fitzgerald

This was my reply:

I am only the messenger.......and I will post your email on MAVAHI and Facebook. Julie is a great lady. Anytime I begin to feel sorry for myself in the least bit, I think of Julie and all that she bears. She is my true inspiration.

Thank you so much for your email.

Now dear classmates, I know many of you have asked if you could send money to help Julie.
Julie cannot personally have the money. There will be a monthly bill from Comcast for the internet service. If you would care to send a check to the company as a credit for Julie, I am sure that would be great!

As to the Reunion, I still do not know how much the cost will be per person. I feel that is probably still being worked out. As soon as I know the cost of getting her to and from (I do hope Jake Aaron can get Stone to donate this for us), the cost of a dress, the class photo and the evening at Chatmoss, I will let you all know. Any money I receive over the amount needed for that evening, I will give to Julie's mother for Julie's expenses. Perhaps buying telephone minutes would be good as she only gets something like 57 minutes a month.

Julie's anonymous angel needs to be blessed and thanked!
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