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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1969 Message List
Newest list & 10 excuses not to come to the reunion - 16
09/28/04     Dawn Chappell Shank  (1969)      dshank51@msn.com
I've edited the missing list again as of 9/28. It's added to the "new missing" message. Thanks for all the help of those giving me leads and contact info. When the directory is finished, it'll be posted on this website!

If you're thinking any of these reasons not to attend the reunion, reconsider:
Reason #1 - There's really nobody I want to see at the reunion...Hey, there may be somebody there who'd like to see you....
Reason #2 - My life hasn't turned out like I thought it would. I feel like a loser....We're all over 50. We've lost hair, body parts, skin elasticity, spouses, money, jobs and some of our minds. We've also lost several classmates and each reunion from now on, there will be more of us gone. Carpe diem!
Reason #3 - I don't have anything to wear. So drag out your old bell bottoms or find an old green PE uniform and come as you were....and make us laugh. By the way, no ties for guys, unless you REALLY want to wear one.
Reason #4 - My spouse/significant other doesn't want to come and be bored....So leave him/her at home and come anyway.
Reason #5 - Nobody will recognize me....Your nametag will have your yearbook picture on it. This might be a good thing or a bad thing.
Reason #6 - I might not remember who I am (senior moment)... somebody will recognize you by your nametag and tell you a story that might jog your memory.
Reason #7 - I won't know what to talk about...So, find some of us that run our mouths constantly and just listen. I remember one reunion that I talked 1/2 hour to somebody I hardly knew in school because we never had classes together or hung around the same group. He was a very interesting guy (or maybe a good listener!)
Reason #8 - It'll be boring. I'll just sit at the table, eat chicken and green beans and try to stay awake....We've changed the format a little for Sat. night: buffet of heavy hors d'ovres, karaoke, 60's music, and Class of 69 Jeopardy hosted by Bill Riggs and Mike Davis - How could you be bored with Bill and Mike hosting? You'll be laughing mashed potatoes out of your nose! (Except we're not having mashed potatoes).
Reason #9 - I don't drink...So, a lot of people don't. You can have fun without drinking and at our age, nobody cares anymore! A lot of us are on medication. (It's cash bar, by the way for those who would like to partake.)
Reason #10 - I don't have a date.... There are several eligible singles already registered. Come and check them out. You know their early history (could be a good thing or a bad thing).

If you think of other excuses/responses, post them on this site.

Send in those registrations!!!!! If you didn't get a form in the mail, email me and I'll send you one! I can't wait to see you!
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