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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1968 Message List
DVD Observations - 15
05/21/08     Bob White  (1968)      quailster57@gmail.com
It was with great trepidation that I chose to venture out to the U.S. Postal facility today. With a wind steady at 34mph, and gusting up to 50 mph, I knew that a delicate wisp like myself might get picked up with no stopping until I landed on the Llano Estacado. Springtime in New Mexico can really suck, but it is balanced by the most beautiful Fall season of most anywhere.

It was well worth the risk because awaiting me was the DVD of our recent fiesta.
I will first observe that after reviewing photos of other classes' reunions, I think it is quite obvious that we have the prettiest ladies, and most virile men. It gives those other classes something to which to aspire.
The DVD did an excellent job of capturing the pure joy that came in seeing old friends from a place long, long ago and far, far away. The only down side was not enough time to visit with everyone that meant so much. It should be imperative that we push Beth/Molly Jo/Will as hard as our combined moral boundries will allow, so as to encourage them to do these on a more frequent schedule than the traditional 5/10 year rotation. The three of them looked pretty healthy to me, so I think that we can really put the pressure on them without concerning ourselves too much. However, for those of you that insist on some conception of fairness and balance, I would suggest that some of us come forth to help out on the next few shindigs.
Finally, I must step up and confess that I was a witness to the "hot tub" incident mentioned in a couple of earlier postings. While I was not at an angle to observe the alleged offender, I had a very good view of the offendees. At first I feared that like Lot's wife, they might turn to pillars of salt for having looked where there eyes should not have been. Not only was there no evidence of a sodium chloride build up on the porch, I could have sworn that some of the offendees may have in fact taken a second and third glance down the hill. Hopefully they will write it off as an integral part of a well rounded education 40 years out from Mavahi.
Best to you all and stay in touch.
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