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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1964 Message List
I'm Not Finished Yet - 11
06/29/02     Nell (eek - Flora - passe)Rislow  (1964)      ndr511@nettally.com
My crazy brother, Kyle(Skip)used to say, "Ask Nell for the time, and she'll give you the history of the clock." He also used to introduce me(with the current red hair),
"Meet my sister. She's an Irish Setter."
I'm sharing this because I miss him, and returning to Virginia reminded me so much of my childhood: family, friends, cheerleading, singing, and good ole' MAVAHI.
Folks at work asked about the reunion and my response went something like this:
"For one weekend, I was among friends who are my age, who celebrated and grieved about the same world and local events, who wore the same "fashions" and danced to the same music, who talked about, knew, and often shared the same dating pool, who have similar values and know the importance of friendships - old friendships - because we've lost family and friends by now and share a knowledge of the real brevity of life. I've just spent a weekend with folks who asked about a deceased brother and spoke so fondly of him, who said they came to my home because they loved my mom and enjoyed the warmth there. No other experiences have provided this much intimacy into an essential part of my life."
Thank you Jean Branham Reid for tracking me down. Thank you, my MAVAHI family, for being gracious and caring after so many years.
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