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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1963 Message List
Dust to dust, maybe not? - 10
12/10/17     leon custer  (1963)      leoncuster@yahoo.com
I recently read the very articulate and thoughtful post by Greg concerning his thoughts on human life and whether there is a higher power than us. That has led me to share my view for those who will bear with me. I am a Christian, though a very peculiar one for sure. I was led to semi-retire at age 54 to attend a Bible College specifically to learn to analyze the Bible in the original languages. It was an amazing eye-opening journey, and I had a ball living in the dormitory with the kids for three years. They even considered me a den mother of sorts I think. From that day to this my heart has been the study of religion, though I still flip a house occasionally so I can eat.

I have read many religious books from many faiths, even the Koran. I have attended Jewish Synagogues, Catholic, and most Protestant denominations. I might be the world’s most prolific “church hopper”. I have even been to two Muslim Mosques to ask questions about their faith. Lastly, I have studied church history in depth to learn how we got to where we are today, which is pretty far from the early church.

My conclusion to date is that Christianity is true. While the English Bible has numerous errors among the various translations, none of them miss the pure Gospel. I think some folks become disheartened when they see what they believe are contradictions. I am persuaded that the Bible in the original text has perfect harmony and there are no contradictions, not even one!

The Bible itself tells us that we do not even need it to know creation is true, we can know by human intellect through observing nature that creation trumps the “big bang” theory. We observe the sun for day and the moon for night repeating each 24 hours; the four seasons of the year show order; the ocean tides both ebb and flow twice each and every day; all of the creeks and rivers flow into the ocean, yet the ocean never overfills. We do not even really know how bones are formed in the womb of a pregnant woman, etc., etc. My Greek professor told me once that “….to believe in the “big bang” theory, is tantaamount to believing that an explosion in a type setting factory could create a Webster’s Dictionary”.

Well, that’s my story and I am sticking to it (ha-ha). Maybe there are others of you that have studied life (now that we are mature but not old) and have a view you would like to share with us. I would love to read your thoughts.
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