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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1963 Message List
Dancing Until We Can Not Dance - 10
11/27/16     Greg Norton  (1963)      sgnorton@hotmail.com
Have not seen much listed lately so I thought I would share a story:

This past Saturday evening, Judi and I attended a Peninsula Friends of Animals (PFOA) event (actually Judi is the event manager) with other friends from our neighborhood to raise money for the care of the kitties at the no-kill shelter. About 50 people attended, enough to pay for the great band, Joy in Mudville, and the rental fee for Sequim Grange building for the night, and fortunately to make several hundred dollars for the cause. Not as much as hoped but every dollar helps; and every event teaches us how to better conduct such activities.

Many persons contributed baskets of goodies and wonderful plates of delicious cakes and brownies and cookies and biscuits and dessert breads and just about anything one could dream of to sweeten the palate. These were all sold or raffled (we even won the "Games" basket). For three dollars you could fill a zip lock bag with goodies (at first the rule was that it must be "able to be zipped", but the later interpretation was "until it rips"!).

The crowd was a mix of ages leaning more toward the 40's and up folks. The music begged folks to dance as it was a mix of country bluegrass and country rock. The oldest couple there were both 88 years old and he could only move using a four legged walker and then slowly - but what a treat to watch as he and his wife "danced" almost every song for two hours. She had quite a lively step around him, always holding his hand(s), always with a bright smile and gleam to the eye for him only. He barely moving his feet and mostly just trying to keep his balance but always with a smile for her too. That never wavered. As I sat and watched them together I could feel the love they both still have for each other, for good music and a spirited beat, and just for life. What an inspiration for us all.
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