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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1971 Message List
Dinner: Friday, August 26, 6 PM, El Norteno's - 1
07/01/11     Rita  (1971)      rita@va.net
If you are on Facebook, you know about this already. If you aren't on Facebook, please join and enroll in Martinsville High School Class of '71 for pictures of the reunion and for dinner information. Also, please continue to check www.mavahi.com. John has been great for posting extra pictures and announcements for me. We are still going to have our dinners for classmates every 3 months. We will again be at El Norteno's Restaurant in the Patrick Henry Mall on Friday, August 26. Put it on your calendar now before you forget. We have used that location several times. It is a nice place, and the owner is wonderful. He gave us two $10 gift certificates for reunion prizes. I hope that whoever won those took advantage of going to one of his two locations. He has opened a new business in the old Hut Restaurant on 220 in Collinsville. I told him the place was cursed, but if anyone could make it there, he could. I have been there three times, and I have talked to George, the owner, every time. He says business is good. He gutted the whole building and made it look a lot like his restaurant at the Patrick Henry Mall.

Feel free to extend an invitation to anyone that you know who would enjoy a couple of hours of meeting together with our high school friends. We meet and eat from 6 PM until about 9 PM. The dinners are fun because with fewer people, everyone has more chance to talk to everyone. It is kind of like our Friday night at the Fireman's Cabin. I love that calm and easy spirit it has that makes me feel so happy to be with the people with whom I grew up. Stan, Pat, and I have known each other since we were babies in church. Kaye and I were in the hospital nursery at the same time. Sometimes after dinner, some people go elsewhere together to party a little longer. You just order from the menu and pay for what you get, so you can determine your own expenses. The bar makes excellent frozen margaritas for those of you who like them.

I am writing all of this because I think that Kaye and I are retiring from the reunion business. We think that everyone had a good time at the 40th, but Kaye has been keeping the books for over 25 years, and it is time for somebody else to relieve her and to carry on the class legacy. Lynn Richardson Ward has graciously accepted that position, and I can't think of anybody that would do a better job than Lynn. Holly Woodruff and Pam France want to plan the next reunion. I don't know if they are thinking in terms of having a 45th reunion or waiting to have a 50th reunion. In another 5 years, we will feel a little older (or so I am told); and in another 10, we will all want to be there with our canes and walkers because it is usually the last reunion.

I am enjoying my summer break by not setting an alarm and not knowing what day it is. I guess that is what it is like when one retires. I wouldn't know, I am going into my 37th year of teaching high school English and Advanced Composition. I want to hang in there as long as I can. I don't think that people who aren't teachers know what stress and demands and paperwork come with that job, but it is a very rewarding career at the same time, and I am glad that I chose it. If you had asked me in 12th grade what I wanted to do when I "grew up," I'd probably say that I wanted to be a writer for Rolling Stone Magazine, interviewing all of the rock stars.
I still wish I could do that!

If any of you would like to order the DVD of our 40th reunion, please send a check for $17 to Mat Smith at 74 Kilarney Court, Ridgeway, VA 24148. If any of you didn't know, those two handsome young men were my sons Mat and Myron. Smithstonia Videography is Mat's business, and it makes him so happy to get an order for a DVD. I really didn't get to see much of Saturday night until I watched the DVD. The DVD contains both Friday and Saturday nights, with a photo montage at the end. The way Mat blends the picture of Bruce Dell into the flame of a candle makes me tear up every time I watch it.

I hope to see many of you on August 26.

Peace, Love, and Blessings,

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