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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of MHS Band Message List
Memories of Mavahi - 55
03/12/04     Bruce Lupton  (1962)      Loopydade@msn.com
I've been fortunate enough to communicate with Rick Shultz with whom I was in the Mavahi band with in '57 & '58. We shared an email about remembering fun things in the past and I responded with what you see below.
Rick thought it might be nice to post it on the band site to see if it solicites any responses. Doesn't appear that many folks respond to these submissions anymore. Anyway, enjoy.

1. Miss Powell's English class and her pretty neck scarfs. She was tough and was a no nonsense-type teacher, but I always liked and respected her.

2. Breaking my right hand pinkie finger hitting Roger Hodges on the head while protecting the honor of the girlfriend I was walking home with that day. My pinkie still sticks out to the right.

3. Football games at Ben Ramsey field, when it was cold during football season. Also, falling through the stands sitting beside my father and mother watching a game after I left high school. I jumped up and down on a Bulldog touchdown and the floor under me broke. I fell about 15 ft. straight through. I can't believe to this day that I didn't hit the other board with my chin or head or break anything when I hit. Unbelievable. I guess it finally paid off being skinny like I was in high school. Today I am 240 lbs. on a 6' 3" frame. Just a little stout in the belly but otherwise proportioned okay.

4. The smell of the old gymnasium on Brown Street and the "community showers." Today, that is probably not an option. Remembering the gross "death by car accident" photos in the classroom in that building when you took drivers ed. Mr. Stack (died young) taught me driving in on old '59 Chevy.

5. Looking at the John Phillips Sousa award plaque in the trophy case in the hallway.

6. Andy Foley making me take Algebra I in summer school when I got a C during the year. He said he knew I could do better and didn't try. I got an "A" in summer school, and in every math class throughout college. I was the "curve buster" with a lot of perfect scores. Some students hated that at the community college.

7. Being forced to kiss Sue Walker on the bus on a band trip when I was in the eighth grade. Yuck. Wish I could kiss her now.
Rick thought she was a "hottie". Sorry, Rick.

8. Wearing the old maroon band uniforms in the Jr. High band when the upperclassmen got the new grey uniforms with the red and white capes and the white plumed hats.

9. Watching the girls smoke in the "hole" between the auditorium and the right hand hall. The guys had to smoke out back in the area between the two wings that stuck out from the cafeteria. I didn't smoke then. I did for a long while, but not in the past 20 years. Well, not much anyway.

10. Watching the school plays, especially attending one at a young age with my parents that was entitled "The Dam Dam" in reference to the building of Philpott Dam. Someone wrote a play based on that.

11. Watching the semi-pro ball players hit baseballs from the corner of Brown St & Water St. to the gymnasium. That was a big hit then and now. Some even hit the roofs of the houses on Water St.

Hope you put some of your memories on the site.
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