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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of MHS Band Message List
In the love of music.... - 55
07/21/02     Libby Miller  (1999)      cygnuscentauri@yahoo.com
This message is targeted to any and all former MHS band members who are currently in colleges within a four-hour radius of UVA. Hi. My name is Libby Miller, and I am currently directing a student-run swing band here at UVA called The Virginia Swing Jazz Orchestra. (For those who don't remember me, I was the alto sax girl who always went to Districts and was a drum major for the 1998/1999 school year.) ANYWAY, this past year for the group was all about recruiting members, publicizing ourselves on campus, and building up our repertoire of music.... but WE'RE NOW READY TO GO ON TOUR to some nearby schools and establish relations with other student-led jazz bands. If there are any former MHS Banders at VCU, University of Richmond, Virginia Tech, or any other schools near UVA who are members of similar groups and would like to pursue this endeavour, please e-mail me. It'd be so great if we band alums could pull this off. (Of course, any other old band members who just want to swing by to hear us are welcome to do so.) I was able to weasel my way into getting the University to fund a CD recording session for us... so once we get that made, I'll put up a link for all to go and have a listen on the web. (Lots of our scores are the same ones we played in the high school jazz band!!!)
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