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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1984 Message List
09/30/04     John Harber  (1984)      kamakura2000@hotmail.com
BIG thanks to the reunion committee for a wonderful, wonderful event. It was great to see so many of you again and to see that life has been good to you and you've been good to yourself. It takes an event such as a class reunion to ground us, allow us to regroup, and take stock in where we came from and where we are going. The flood of memories makes me thankful for having the opportunity to have been and be a part of your lives. If you've ever read the book "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven", you know what I'm speaking to. If not, place it on your "need to read list". In rememberance of Delphine, pray for her soul and pray for her children. Know that God calls us home when it's our time, regardless of the method or how we feel about it. It's not about this world, only what you do while you're here. Take this tragedy and see if it applies to you or someone you know and if so, get help fast! Had I not requested to retire from the Navy in November, I would have been in Iraq as of Aug 28. I would not have been in The Ville at my nephews football practice with Delphine and her son. I was able to spend two hours a day with her the three days prior to her demise. I was able to hear her plight and offer assistance, though I was unable to alter the outcome. I wanted her to leave town but she wanted to see all of us so badly that she wouldn't even consider it. She felt there would be safety and comfort amongst those so dear to her. Unfortunately, she never made it to our collective protective arms. Many of us have lost so much in losing her. Every ending is a beginning. Ask youself what has begun in your life due to her passing and let this be her legacy. In closing, I was going through photo albums at my moms and I came across Delphine's Cap & Gown photo. It struck me as odd that of all my classmates, hers was the only one not in my memory book, although she had signed my memory book and I had a reserved space for her photo. Somehow it had made it into my family photos and that's where I left it. The photo was one of her looking more vibrant than ever and that's the way I'm going to remember her. On the back was a heartfelt wish for my future prosperity. I wish her the same in heaven.
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