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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1979 Message List
Calling All Bulldogs!! - 24
09/13/04     Jeff Mason  (1979)      jlmason02@adelphia.net
I know there are alot of you who cruise by this message site to see if anybody is talking about you, or to see what's going on. Ya'll know what's going on, the 25th Reunion, so lets get the chatter started. You think you're to good, too embarassed, you think its cheesy to post a message. Heck we're mass comunicating here and it's damn easy. A simple "Hi", "F--- off", or joke would be sufficient. Everybody likes a good joke. Somebody go by Tommy's Pig Shack and tell him to buy a computer for his son, and then get his son to show him how to log on to this. Now about this Reunion...I expect a good effort from everybody to be there. Last I remember there's a big Bulldog contingent in the Carolina's, Georgia, Florida, even a few of us in Tejas. No matter where you are at in this country or world, I expect to see all ya'll there. Oh, all you classmates still living in the 'Ville, yall are automatics. Don't let me find out you live there and didn't show up. I'll drop a stink bomb on your trailer so bad the DEQ will declare it a SuperFund Clean Up Site. This ain't no last minute throw together, its been in the making for 25 years, you've had plenty of notice. OH, I don't want to hear ,"I couldn't find a babysitter, or "my child has a ball game". Tuff, tell junior or missy thats one game they're gonna have to miss. I don't want to hear my cars broke,or that you've missed the last 3 car payments and they're coming to repossess it. Hide the damn thing. And if you need to borrow some money to fix it call Guy Varn, I hear his interest rates are pretty good now. I hear he's working outta Junior Sample's car lot, fone number BR-549. Say Guy, what color shirt you wearin to the formal Sat. night? I want to get one just like it. As I was saying, I don't want to hear I'm gonna stay home and watch the Lifetime Channel, or that you're gonna sit up all night and look at internet porn, or my computer crashed and I can't print a Yahoo map, because I don't know how to get there from here. I don't want to hear, the contractor's coming that weekend to finish the outhouse, or I gotta take grandma to get her dentures waxed. I DONT'T WANT TO HEAR IT! NO EXCUSES!! Now come on in and letus have a look at ya. Alot of ya have done very well for yourselves. Alot better than you thought you would, and a whole lot better than we thought you would. And some of us haven't hit our stride yet, but we're still giving it the All American Mavahi
Bulldog effort. So come on in that weekend and see some old friends. Laugh, cry, lie and get that warm fuzzy feeling all over again. If you need some motivation flip on over to the yearbook photos and behold all the fresh faces. Thanks Lisa, thank your husband for me too. Also I heard they're giving away a 4 day cruise for 2 at the formal Sat. night, happily donated by Gene Warren. But that could just be a rumor.
DISCLAIMER: This message was authorized and approved by Jeff Mason. In no way was it meant to offend, upset, intimidate, make mad, ridicule or generally tickle anybody's fancy. Although if you felt any of these emotions, you must have known I was talking about you.
Four weeks and counting. Let's get the chatter started.
Sincerely, Jeff
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