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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1972 Message List
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02/05/07     Jeff Belcher  (1976)      jrb@lee-mcshane.com
Hello Everyone:

Interesting conversations once again! I am amazed how many people have been influenced as I have by the old town. I have always thought I was afforded a great opportunity growing up when we did. I know that I saw another world fading out as a youngster and a new world starting. I was "fortunate" enough to see how my mother and father were brought up, in the country, poor as could be, as was most in the 20s and 30s. Believe me when I tell you, for those of us whose parents were born and raised in that area, it was not a cakewalk back in their days. They worked their butts off in the factories and on the farm, to grow up and fight in WWII, some being killed and maimed, to come back to Martinsville to get on with their lives and to do the best they could, for the most part, to make a better lives for us. We are a product of their lives and the history of the town.

I hope that our upbringing and what we saw has influenced us all in acceptance of "ourselves" and others and how we are raising and have raised our children. Especially in giving them the self-confidence and ability to be friends with all races and people from "the other side of town" and to understand that we all grow up to be very similar with similar needs, wants, aspirations, etc. I will say that I loved growing up in Martinsville, even thought it was "easily" the most segregated place I have every seen, and I mean that not only from a black/white perspective, but a white/white perspective as well, fully understanding that it was "super segregated" black/white. It had a major influence on me and I have always done what I thought was the best job I could of never letting "social/racial" divide enter into my daughter's way of thinking, even though it does from time to time, even though my heart lets me know it is wrong when it does.

I guess what I am saying is that most of us made it, we respect the good things that we had and the good times we had, and hopefully learned from those not so pleasant things that "everyone" faces, "everywhere" growing up in the good old USA.

Next talking point - Is George Bush brain fully developed? O.K. I AM JOKING NO COMMENTS OR NOTHING POLITICAL HERE, THIS WAS A JOKE!!!!


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