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Martinsville High School Alumni
Class of 1964 Message List
Farewell, Frank Barrows, a Gentle Genius, from The Class of ‘64 - 11
06/14/19     Ann B Gardner  (1964)      anndink@gmail.com
Frank Barrows was a school friend from 1st grade through 12th. He was somewhat shy and retiring in our early years, but never aloof. We loved him for his sense of humor and his sensitivity towards us if he noticed any of us might not be having our best day. He was kind to a fault, a dear friend to everyone, and a Gentle Genius. We all were proud of him for being our Bulldog statistician at every home game.
There were those on our faculty who made the “less than complimentary” observation, that our Class of ‘64 produced no Medical Doctors. This comment was to imply that we were not serious-minded enough to strive for the degree of success that previous MHS graduating Seniors had achieved. To those faculty members, now deceased, I ask, “How many Nobel Prize nominees were named in those previous classes?” VERY FEW, if ANY! Frank Barrows was nominated for a Nobel Prize, not once but TWICE. He was Editor of the Charlotte Observer, one of our nation’s top newspapers, for many years before he retired. Although, he was unable to attend our 50th reunion in 2014, he wanted to be here with us very much. He had previously accepted a speaking engagement, in Chicago, at Northwestern University, before a very prestigious audience, which conflicted with our Reunion weekend. Frank was a gentleman of integrity, who, to his credit, felt that he must fulfill his obligation to the invitation first offered. This is a testament to the true nature of our classmate, Frank Barrows. He was well respected and loved by all of us in his beloved MHS Class of ‘64. On behalf of our class, Frank, Thank you for giving us so much and asking us for so little. Here’s to you????????
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